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来源:互联摘选 日期:2005-05-04 18:33
英式教育体制有超过八百年的历史,至今依然是最为成功的,它是世界上大多数国教育制度的基础。 英国的教育质量在全世界享有盛誉。英国的学者和学院获得过近一百次诺贝尔奖。英国有两套相容的教育体制:英格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰使用相同的体系,苏格兰使用另一套体系。

很多儿童在三/四岁时开始在幼儿园或小学的幼儿班接受学龄前教育。英国的十一年义务教育体制针对所有五到十六周岁的孩子, 学龄前教育和义务教育都可以选择免费的国立学校或者收费的私立学校。 外国学生大多选择寄宿制的私立学校。私立学校为五岁至十三岁儿童提供预备教育,公立学校为五岁至十一岁儿童提供小学教育。预备/小学教育结束后的十一到十三岁的学生进入中学教育阶段 ,公立和私立中学都负责教育并帮助学生准备普通中等教育证书考试或者同等水平课程考试。

义务教育结束以后,十六岁的中学生可以合法地开始工作,但是绝大多数学生会选择进入预科或者继续教育学院完成中学高级水平考试课程或者同等水平课程。国际学生通常在这个阶段来到英国学习,为将来的高等/继续教育作准备并参加中学高级水平考试或者专为国际学 生开设的基础考试。十八岁的预科学生通常已经通过中学高级水平考试或者相关认证,开始他们的高等/继续教育阶段。

继续教育指为年龄十六岁的中学毕业生继续提供的教育和培训,包括职业课程和一些本科课程教育。英国有六百多所公立和私立学院开设延续教育课程。教育领域包括英语语言课程、某些普通中等教育证书课程、中学高级水平考试课程及其同等水平课程、职业课程、衔接课 程以及部分本科生课程。


UK Education System Introduction
By MICHAEL J WEI / London Copyright 2005 ? GEEO.ORG

The UK-style educational method was introduced more than 800 years ago and is still the most successful one. It was the foundation of most modern education systems nowadays in the world. UK qualifications are recognised and respected throughout the world. UK scientists and institutions have won almost 100 Nobel Prizes. The UK has two distinct education systems: one for England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and one for Scotland. Each is compatible with the other.

Many children start their education at the age of three or four at a nursery school or in the nursery class at a primary school. Education in the UK is compulsory for every child between the ages of five and sixteen. Both Pre-school and compulsory educations are provided by two kinds of schools: free state-funded schools and fee-charging independent schools. Significant numbers of international students attend independent boarding schools. Independent schools supply reparatory education for children aged five to thirteen. State schools supply primary education for children aged five to eleven. After the reparatory/primary education, students aged eleven to thirteen start their secondary education stage. Both state and independent UK secondary schools teach pupils and prepare them for GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) or equivalent qualifications.

After completing compulsory education at the age of sixteen, students may start work legally. However, most students study A-levels (General Certificate of Education Advanced Level) or equivalent qualifications in a school, sixth-form college or college of further education. International students often enter the UK education system at this point in preparation for further or higher education, normally by taking A-level courses or International Foundation courses. Sixth-formers usually finish their secondary education at the age of eighteen with A-levels or equivalent qualifications, and then start their further or higher education.

Further Education is the education and training that takes place after the school-leaving age of sixteen, including career based courses and some degree courses. There are over six hundred state-funded and independent colleges offer a very wide range of programmes, including English language courses, some GCSEs, A-levels and other equivalents, career based courses, access courses and some degree courses.

Higher Education is the education and training that takes place at universities, colleges and institutes offering studies at degree level and higher, including degree courses, postgraduate programmes and MBAs. There are more than ninety universities and fifty colleges offering a wide range of courses, most of which lead to degrees or equivalent qualifications.





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